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In John 5:19-21 we see that Jesus always looks to the Father and always do the Father’s will. Whatever Jesus sees the Father do, He also does.
In every situation, before Jesus says or does anything, He first looks to the Father and acknowledges the Father’s will and wisdom above all else.
As believers in Christ, let’s do as Jesus does. In everything we do, in every situation we face, in every decision we make, let us first look to the Father and seek His will and wisdom. Through this beautiful example of Jesus, we can rest assure that every word we say, every action and step we take, and every decision we make will always be the will of the Father and not our own.
And just like how a child copies what he sees from his parents and then, later on, develops the habits and attitude he saw from them. It’s also the same with us. As we grow in following what we see from the Lord, we develop the mindset and character of God in us. Thus we become more and more like Christ.