God Morning!
In Mark 1:35 we see that Jesus gets up very early in the morning, just before the sun rises. Then, He takes some time to be alone and pray to the Lord. This is how Jesus starts his day.
Let’s do like Jesus and start our day strong. Let’s get up early so we can accomplish more things. And before anything else, Let’s put God first by pulling ourselves aside on a quiet and private place and pray to Him.
How should we pray and what should we pray for? Jesus shows us on Luke 11:2-4 how. First, we call on the Lord as our Father in heaven most high. The Lord loves it when we call Him Father, the one we lean on and glorify. Then we pray that His will and purpose be done in our family, in our city, in our nation, and all over the world. We pray for it as if we are wishing and hoping for it, and believing in it that it will come to past. Next, we give thanks for all the provisions and blessings the Lord gives us every day. We give thanks as we do a quick reflection towards all the blessings that we have received through the years, and feel once again the joy and gladness we felt from each of them. Then, while the great joy and love of the Lord overwhelm us, we humble down and release forgiveness to those who have done wrong towards us. We are so grateful for His love that no wrong done to us could ever surpass and overcome the joy of His blessings. Then we ask for forgiveness as well, the same way we forgave. And lastly, we ask the Father that we may be kept away and protected from all evil and harm.
As we pray, the Father will be listening. And He will be embracing us with the Holy Spirit, comforting us with His love, and empowering us with His joy. As we pray, our thoughts get aligned with the plans of God and we will receive positive, exciting, encouraging ideas on how we can bless others or how God can bless us. Then we act upon it.
When we start our day like Jesus does, we will be recharged and empowered. Ready to take on whatever the day has for us. No fear, doubt, or worries will be able to snatch away and opportunity heading our way. We will have a positive perspective and have the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in every obstacle we might face. We will be able to make the most out of the day. And also bless as many people as we can along the way.